Psychodrama Therapy Treatment in Arizona

As the fastest-growing state in the country, Arizona’s population is diverse and so are the people seeking addiction treatment.

Have you ever had an imaginary argument in the shower? Maybe someone annoyed you while grocery shopping and you didn’t have a witty comeback in the moment. In your imagination, you nail every comment and the other person is thoroughly humiliated. It feels great.

This concept is actually a form of therapy, allowing our minds to heal from negative situations. The basis of psychodrama therapy is to act out scenarios connected to negative emotions to work toward a solution. It can be a fun and eye-opening experience, promoting healing from mental health and substance use disorders.

psychodrama pinnacle peak recovery

In the past month, over 16% of Arizona residents reported symptoms of an anxiety disorder

Our team here at Pinnacle Peak is dedicated to offering you high-quality, evidence-based care to ensure your healing needs are met. No matter what concern you come to us with, we will work with you to find a treatment program that works for you. One of those programs is our psychodrama therapy. Let’s talk more about how this process works and how it can benefit you on your recovery journey. 

What We Treat: Substance Use and Mental Health

It can be easy to understate the true impact of substance use and untreated mental health conditions. These conditions often develop over a long period of time, making the changes seem less drastic as they slowly affect a person more and more. Combine this with the stigma surrounding the two, and it can lead to the feeling that you’re not deserving of treatment.

This isn’t true.

These two conditions can be life-altering. They often impact every aspect of our lives. From causing rifts between friends and loved ones to losing control over finances, self-care, and more – this doesn’t have to last forever.

There is life beyond substance use and there’s a way to happily live alongside any mental health condition, and we’re here to help.

How We Treat: Healing Through Psychodrama Therapy

As you might be able to guess by the name, psychodrama therapy utilizes certain aspects of acting to help people work through emotions, trauma, and more.

Developed in the 1920s, this newer aspect of psychology has been shown to be effective in seeing different perspectives, better understanding your own emotions, and distancing yourself from disturbing memories. This is most often accomplished in a group setting, where the additional support helps clients get an outside perspective into the scenarios they act out. It also allows you to see other people’s internal battles and learn from them.

Better Understanding the Philosophy Behind Psychodrama Therapy

Psychodrama therapy is a type of psychotherapy. It is similar to drama therapy, but unlike drama therapy, it is a treatment conducted specifically under the direction of a licensed professional.

But how exactly does it work?

Our brains are incredibly powerful. Utilizing imagination and acting can impact our emotions and responses just as much as experiencing the thing “in real life.” The primary difference between the acted scenarios and ones experienced organically is that you have control over the acted ones. You’re able to work them out, discuss them, and break them down at your rate.

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What to Expect from Psychodrama Therapy

During psychodrama sessions, you will be amongst peers who are also going through recovery. The session will have at least one licensed, professional therapist to guide the conversation.

Each session will have its own focus. In some meetings, specific concerns might be approached. For example, if someone expresses stress regarding family gatherings, the session might focus on this. The group will work through different potential scenarios, looking at different outcomes, reactions, approaches, and more.

Different participants will be the protagonists in the scenarios. Other group members might be supporting roles in the scenario. Some will be bystanders, providing primary insight and suggestions for how the scenario is being played out.

You will learn to see different perspectives, thoughts, and possibilities for everyday scenarios. You will also tackle harder topics like arguments, high-stress situations, triggering events, and more. The goal of regularly facing and thinking critically about these events is to help give you the skills you need to rewrite past trauma and better handle difficult situations going forward.

how we treat healing through psychodrama therapy

How Pinnacle Peak Integrates Psychodrama Therapy Into Treatment

Here at Pinnacle Peak Recovery, your treatment path will never be one-dimensional. We offer a wide variety of evidence-based practices which we integrate into your treatment based on your needs. Many of our clients experience all of our programs at one point or another, so they can get a feel for what methodologies click best for them.

You will work alongside your therapist to make sure your treatment continues to benefit you. Recovery journeys aren’t linear – what works during the start of your journey might not benefit you the same way down the road. This flexibility and communication help ensure you get the best care possible.

What Are the Benefits of Psychodrama Therapy?

Psychodrama therapy allows you to work through stressful, emotionally challenging, and potentially traumatic situations in a safe environment. It’s a way to evaluate how feelings, words, body language, and more can truly impact our perception of any given scenario.

Combined with the support and knowledge of a professional therapist, you walk away with new knowledge and an outlook that can bolster your healing journey.

what we treat substance use and mental health

What Conditions Are Commonly Treated Through Psychodrama?

Because psychodrama allows you to approach such a wide variety of circumstances, it’s applicable to many conditions. It’s especially effective in addressing untreated trauma and memories that have greatly impacted your mental health.

It’s also very effective in addressing anxiety, as you can work through situations that make your anxiety worsen in a safe space.

Overall, with the help of a medical professional, psychodrama can be molded to fit many needs.

What Our Valued Patients Say

Getting Started With Psychodrama Treatment in Arizona

Whether you’re looking for help with substance use, your mental health, or a combination of the two through a dual diagnosis, there are options available for you at Pinnacle Peak. We offer the full continuum of care for those who need it, from inpatient to outpatient and beyond. We also have additional support systems to ensure your needs are met, such as our veterans program and our supportive housing options.

There’s no wrong time to get started with healing. Your journey is unique to you, and you’re always worthy of support and recovery. No matter what your history is, you’ll find the care you need here.

Our Pinnacle Peak team is committed to providing you with a safe, caring environment that fosters healing for all. Whenever you’re ready to start, we’re here for you. Just give us a call any time at 866-377-4761.

Clinical Excellence | Compassionate Care | Family Feel

 Explore our dedicated Psychodrama Therapy Treatment options today at Pinnacle Peak Recovery!

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