Personality Disorder Treatment in Arizona

As the fastest-growing state in the country, Arizona’s population is diverse and so are the people seeking addiction treatment.

“Healing is embracing what is most feared; healing is opening what has been closed, softening what has hardened into obstruction, healing is learning to trust life.” – Jeanne Achterberg

Mental health is a key component of how we function on a day-to-day basis. Here in Arizona, over 1 million adults have a mental health condition. Of those adults, over 300,000 were unable to receive the treatment they needed within the past year. Part of this stems from not having the resources to access help, but the other half can come from a lack of education in our community.

That’s why, at Pinnacle Peak Recovery, education is an important component of our comprehensive treatment programs. Today, we’ll be discussing personality disorder treatment and how we can empower you to find healing.

personality disorder treatment pinnacle peak

In the past month, over 16% of Arizona residents reported symptoms of an anxiety disorder

What We Treat: Defining Personality Disorders

To know what a personality disorder is, it’s important to understand what exactly encompasses a personality to begin with. Our personalities include how we think, how we feel, and how we behave. Personalities are influenced during the course of our lives by our experiences, environment, and genetics. 

If a person’s way of thinking and interacting with the world deviates greatly from what is considered “the norm” in a way that causes distress or impacts quality of life, this would be classified as a personality disorder.

How Are Personality Disorders Diagnosed?

When it comes to mental health condition diagnoses, there can sometimes be overlap in symptoms and experiences. During the diagnosis process of any mental health condition, professionals will take the time to rule out other causes of the symptoms. This could include giving the client a physical or even doing bloodwork.

Once other factors are ruled out, there are a few key components that will help confirm the diagnosis of a personality disorder. One of the biggest components is how long a person has been experiencing these behavior patterns. In order to be classified as a personality disorder, they often span a long period of time.

There are many classifications of personality disorder. To further determine what exactly a person is going through, we look at the following: 

  • Way of thinking about oneself and others

  • Way of reacting to and controlling one’s own behavior

  • Way of relating to and reacting to others around them

  • Way of regulating and reacting to their own emotions

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How We Treat: Our Patient-Focused Approach to Mental Health

Our team here at Pinnacle Peak has years of experience in helping our clients recover from both substance use disorders and mental health conditions. Throughout our time, we’ve seen the effectiveness of having multiple, evidence-based treatment programs available for our clients. We’ve never had two people walk through our doors that had the same history, family situation, desired results, and more. If no two people are the same, why should their treatment options all be the same?

During your time with us, we will work alongside you to set up a plan for long-term success. We find the right combination of treatment programs to give you the skills you need to better manage your mental health moving forward.

No matter where you are in the process, we have support teams along every step of the way. This includes your time post-treatment. With robust outpatient and alumni programs, you don’t have to worry about losing your support network at any point in time.

how are personality disorders diagnosed

What Are the Most Common Types of Personality Disorders?

In the DSM-V, or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, there are currently 10 listed types of personality disorders. We’re going to talk about the most common personality disorders we see come through our door so you have a better understanding of what they might look like and how they can impact a person.

Schizoid Personality Disorder

This personality disorder involves a person feeling detached from social relationships. They may show little emotion outwardly, or feel less than compelled to interact with others. People with Schizoid Personality Disorder don’t often seek close relationships with others and find little interest in the praise or criticism of those around them.

Dependent Personality Disorder

Those who have a Dependent Personality Disorder take the need for validation further. As the name implies, they feel dependent on others. This can take the form of frequent validation or even a need for assistance with basic needs. Those who are managing a Dependent Personality Disorder can find the decision-making process crippling and will rely on others to make decisions for them instead.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

You may have heard of the term “narcissist” before, which is related to what this personality disorder stems from. Those with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder feel certain of their superiority over others. They don’t hesitate about exploiting people and have a very high self-worth.

At the same time, however, those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be extremely sensitive to negative feedback, judgment, and failure. 

Antisocial Personality Disorder

As the name implies, those with an Antisocial Personality Disorder don’t have a high regard for others around them. They see no qualms in frequently manipulating others to get what they feel they deserve or are owed. Overall, they have little to no regard for others and aren’t afraid to lie or act impulsively regardless of consequences.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder, not to be confused with Bipolar Disorder, primarily impacts the way a person makes connections and relationships with those around them. Those with BPD might experience frequent instability in relationships. They can also experience low self-esteem and easily feel abandoned by those they care about.

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Those with Avoidant Personality Disorder will delay or refuse to make new connections with others out of fear of being rejected, or under the notion that they aren’t worthy of companionship. People might outwardly show signs of extreme shyness, sensitivity to criticism, and experience feelings of inadequacy.

What Factors Can Lead to a Personality Disorder?

There is still much to learn about why certain mental health conditions form. Sometimes they start at birth and other times they crop up later in life.

This can be the case with personality disorders. On average the signs of a personality disorder start to appear during teenage and young adult years, but they can show up before and after that as well. While not fully studied, genes could be a contributing factor to the chance of having a personality disorder, too.

The biggest component of developing a personality disorder comes from the environment around you. Everything from their childhood and family member’s mental health, to experiencing trauma, can impact our minds and potentially lead to a personality disorder.

personality disorder treatment and management in arizona

What Group Do Personality Disorders Impact Most?

There is no one demographic that is more impacted by personality disorders than others. Each individual personality disorder does have its own statistics, however. For example, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is slightly more likely to occur in men than women.

Since the signs of a personality disorder commonly begin to appear as a teen or young adult, those age groups can be disproportionately represented in recovery programs. No matter your age or life experience, if you wish to receive help for your personality disorder, that help is available for you.

What Our Valued Patients Say

Joel B.
Great treatment center! Loving staff and effective programs.

Personality Disorder Treatment and Management in Arizona

Just like we go to a doctor for a broken bone, there’s no shame in seeking help for your mental health. Utilizing a mental health treatment program should be seen as no different than going to a doctor for a physical illness. A skilled and trained medical team will determine your diagnosis and work with you to lay out a plan for healing.

If you’d like to get started with our mental health program, our Pinnacle Peak team is ready to help. With our compassionate care and family feel, you’re in good hands with us. Just give us a call at 866-377-4761 and we can get you started today.

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