Holistic Therapy in Arizona

As the fastest-growing state in the country, Arizona’s population is diverse and so are the people seeking addiction treatment.

“Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.”

–  Samuel Smiles

holistic therapy pinnacle peak recovery

In the past month, over 16% of Arizona residents reported symptoms of an anxiety disorder

When people think about healthcare and healing, they often think of medications, doctor’s offices, and vitamins. There must be a singular cure that works for every person when addressing the same illness, right?

Even in the case of physical ailments, this isn’t always true.

People break their bones and require cast – one person is allergic to the adhesive used, so they have to find an alternative. Many people use Tylenol to address aches and pains, but some people are allergic to it and have to find other medications to help.

There are certain routines and therapies frequently used to address substance use and mental health conditions, but some people come to the table with vastly unique experiences and require a different approach.

Our team at Pinnacle Peak is dedicated to offering evidence-based practices to help you find healing and solace from substance use, trauma, and other mental health conditions. One such branch of this is our holistic approach. Let’s talk more about this approach and how it can help you find the healing you deserve. 

What We Treat: Substance Use and Mental Health

In 2022, more than 1 million people aged 26+ in Arizona reported having a mental health condition. In that same year, over 750,000 people 26+ reported having a substance use disorder. In total, this is more than the population of Phoenix.

Just as someone deserves to have easy access to a doctor when they break a bone or develop a cold, so should people managing a substance use disorder or mental health condition have access to well-rounded care.

Both of these conditions have a way of infiltrating every corner of your life. They disrupt your routines, fracture relationships, negatively impact your finances, and much more. They can make it seem like there’s no way out, that the only future you have continues down the same dark tunnel you’re already in.

This isn’t true. There is a way out, and you don’t have to do it alone. 

How We Treat: Holistic Treatment and How It Works

To understand this therapy, knowing what the term holistic means is important. By definition, it refers to treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms or diagnosis of a disease. Within the context of this therapy, you are not viewed simply within the bounds of your condition, but as a person needing to restore your physical, mental, and spiritual balance.

The holistic approach is based on your strengths, needs, preferences, and personal beliefs. It seeks to positively change the way you view yourself and the world around you which allows you to be better equipped to deal with the obstacles that come from substance use, trauma, and more. 

It involves guidance from professionals trained in specific types of therapy. It is often used in conjunction with more traditional approaches like cognitive behavior therapy or dialectical behavior therapy. Some of these therapies make a person more aware of the connection between their mind, body, and soul. Others use engaging activities to teach necessary skills for lasting recovery.

What is Holistic Treatment?

The word “holistic” has been a buzzword in the health and wellness fields for years. When some people hear this word, they may think of shaggy gurus using obscure natural remedies or New Age techniques from ancient Eastern cultures.

A quick search through the internet will reveal all kinds of sensational claims about treating physical and mental illnesses. After scrolling through some websites, you may be wondering something like, “How can someone use an herb found at the top of a far-off mountain to help me?”

These claims aren’t based on the reality of true holistic treatment. Many people follow these claims because the appeal of a “quick fix” is strong. We want to get better now. We want to return to our life tomorrow, not have to work toward a goal that seems out of reach.

The truth is, recovery is a journey, not a destination. There’s no way to skip steps and reach some sort of perfection. While everyone’s journey has a different pace and path, holistic treatment is not about simple fixes.

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How Can Holistic Treatment Help with Substance Use and Mental Health Conditions?

There are two points we touched on earlier: substance use and mental health conditions infiltrate many corners of your life and holistic treatment is about treating the whole person. 

This is exactly how it can help.

Many forms of traditional treatment seek to address key components of substance use or mental health while leaving other areas untouched. For example, they might work with you to unlearn negative thoughts about yourself but not then also step in and teach you better habits for how to care for yourself. 

Substance use can often sever relationships, stunt financial habits, and disrupt healthy habits. Untreated mental health conditions can lead to the erasure of self-care, teach bad emotional regulation habits, and make connecting with others feel stunted. There are many more ways the two can impact your life, but overlooking how this should be addressed in your recovery can be detrimental to healing. 

Here are just a few examples of how a holistic treatment program helps to boost and round out a recovery program:

  • It teaches the importance of a healthy lifestyle – This treatment touches on the importance of nutrition and exercise to your physical and mental health. It also addresses healthy relaxation techniques that you can turn to whenever you need them.

  • It offers healthy and positive activities to engage with – Substance use often overrides many of the hobbies you used to engage with. Mental health conditions behave similarly, but often by making you feel unworthy or unmotivated to participate as you used to. Holistic treatment takes the time to find new hobbies and activities that you enjoy and partake in.

  • It inspires you to find meaning and purpose in your life – The future can seem bleak. Between substance use, trauma, depression, and more it can be hard to picture the future as an option, much less to plan for what to do next. During holistic treatment, our team will work with you to find something you identify with that can help guide your path moving forward. For some this might be a “higher power,” while for others, it might be a life goal or moral point they feel empowered by. 

how we treat holistic treatment and how it works

A Look Into the Different Types of Holistic Treatment Offered at Pinnacle Peak Recovery

Our team is always keeping an eye out for new studies and ways we can improve the services we offer to our clients. We always want to offer the best evidence-based treatment so that your journey here will be well-rounded and designed to your needs.

We offer several forms of holistic treatment here at Pinnacle Peak, but let’s touch base on some of our main offerings. 

Yoga for Healing

Yoga is utilized in healing as a way to teach relaxation and a better awareness of the body. Not only is it beneficial for physical health, but the teachings of yoga encourage personal reflection and growth. 

Reiki for Healing

Beyond the physical practices of Reiki, this meditative practice is beneficial for reflection and emotional control. It teaches how to be patient and work through your thoughts before acting rashly. It’s utilized in tandem with other therapies and medical treatment approaches. 

Acupuncture for Healing

There are many forms of acupuncture treatment found in many different cultures and ages. This approach is a complementary one, meant to be used alongside other forms of medical intervention. It’s a grounding technique that can help you become more aware of your body and how it’s feeling. 

Meditation for Healing

Meditation works to break destructive thought patterns and behaviors by allowing you to be more self-aware and accepting of the present moment. Therapists use various techniques based on an individual’s personal beliefs, goals, and preferences and work with you to find one that works for your needs. 

How to Know if Holistic Treatment Might Benefit You

The holistic approach to treatment is very malleable – able to be molded to fit many people’s specific goals and needs. But, at the end of the day, you want to know if this approach is going to be beneficial for you.

what we treat substance use and mental health

Ask yourself a few things. 

  1. Do you feel connected to your body? Do you understand what it’s trying to tell you when you feel physical or mental aches and pains? 

  1. How in touch do you feel with your loved ones? Do you have relationships you wish to mend?

  1. How in touch are you with your own needs? Do you understand how to keep yourself not just afloat, but happy and thriving?

This is how the holistic approach can help. We don’t just want to give you a Band-Aid for your concerns. We want to see you thrive in all aspects of your life.

What Our Valued Patients Say

Joel B.
Great treatment center! Loving staff and effective programs.

Start Your Healing Journey with Pinnacle Peak’s Holistic Treatment in Arizona

Whether you’ve tried another program before and found it lacking, or you want to take that first step toward reclaiming your life, our team here at Pinnacle Peak is here for you. We offer the full continuum of care for substance use disorders and mental health conditions alike. We’ll work with you to find a treatment path that suits your healing needs and are happy to support you as long as you want us to.

From inpatient and outpatient to ongoing alumni services, you’ll learn the skills you need to live your life in control of your happiness. There’s no wrong time to get started. If you have any questions or want to know more, just give us a call anytime at 866-377-4761.

Clinical Excellence | Compassionate Care | Family Feel

 Explore our dedicated Holistic Therapy options today at Pinnacle Peak Recovery!

Pinnacle Peak Recovery