Heroin Detox in Arizona

As the fastest-growing state in the country, Arizona’s population is diverse and so are the people seeking addiction treatment.

“It wasn’t like you flick a switch, and you’re sober. It takes a while. You have to learn how to do everything all over again. There is life after addiction, and it’s really good. If I had known, I’d have stopped earlier.” – Joe Walsh

Opioids like heroin are a leading cause for concern not just in our community but in our country. Arizona ranks 19th highest for overdose fatality rates in the country. A staggering 72% of these overdose deaths were linked to opioids, with nearly all of them being flagged as accidental. 

There are many proposed solutions for this, from heightened monitoring to an increased distribution of life-saving tools like Naloxone or fentanyl test strips. At Pinnacle Peak Recovery, we put our energy into raising awareness and offering compassionate, life-changing treatment that focuses on the individual. We’re here to help you rebuild your life, and that starts with our heroin detox program. 

heroin detox pinnacle peak recovery

In the past month, over 16% of Arizona residents reported symptoms of an anxiety disorder

What We Treat: Heroin Withdrawal and Heroin Use Disorders

Those who are living with a heroin use disorder won’t develop this condition without outside influence. This doesn’t always mean having someone who simply hands you the drug one day but also means living with untreated mental health, high stress, trauma, and more.

If you’re uncertain if treatment is right for you, here are some questions you can ask yourself:

  • Have you ever tried to cut back on heroin before but been unable to?

  • Has your heroin consumption impacted your relationships with family and friends?

  • Have you had financial challenges because of your heroin use?

  • Do you experience side effects whenever you cease to engage with heroin?

  • Have you noticed an increase in symptoms of depression or anxiety?

  • Do you spend most of the day involved with heroin? (This includes thinking about, engaging, and recovering from it.)

  • Have you gotten into risky situations or contracted illnesses because of your heroin use?

  • Have you ever overdosed on heroin?

If you answered yes to any of the above, recovery through a detox program is an important next step for you. You’re not alone in this, and Pinnacle Peak is here to help.

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How We Treat: The Foundation of Recovery Starts with Heroin Detox

The biggest concern when it comes to opioid-related substance use disorders is how highly withdrawal can contribute to the continued cycle of substance use and the risk of overdose. 

This is where a dedicated medical detox program comes into play. Through a detox program like what’s offered at Pinnacle Peak, you’ll receive personalized care built with your specific needs in mind.

Detox isn’t a one-stop shop – it’s the foundation for long-lasting recovery. You don’t come to detox just to feel better physically. You’re here to reshape your life into one that makes you feel better mentally, too.

At Pinnacle Peak Recovery, we understand that every client who walks through our doors has unique needs, histories, wants, and more. That’s why we offer a wide range of evidence-based treatment options that begin before you’re even done with detox.

Through our Proven Process, our commitment to your care doesn’t stop when you leave. We have the full continuum of care, including alumni services, to ensure you have the support you need when needed.

What Is the Timeline of Heroin Detox?

When measuring the timeline of heroin withdrawal and detox, it starts with when you took your last dosage of the substance. 

In the case of heroin, the symptoms of withdrawal start, on average, between 6 and 24 hours after your last dose. The exact timeline will vary from person to person depending on many factors, such as other substances you regularly engage with, metabolism, age, medical history, and more.

For most people, the symptoms of heroin withdrawal last about a week, with the most intense symptoms happening within the first 3 days. It is very common, however, for symptoms to hang around longer than that, especially cravings. This is known as protracted withdrawal syndrome and can happen with any form of withdrawal from any substance. These symptoms won’t last forever and will get better faster with the help of treatment.  

what we treat heroin withdrawal and heroin use disorder

Understanding the Symptoms of Heroin Withdrawal

Withdrawal symptoms occur because your body has adapted to heroin’s presence, and when it’s suddenly removed, it struggles to adjust. This time frame and the symptoms that come along with this process are what’s known as withdrawal.

Heroin withdrawal’s side effects are both physical and psychological. Not everyone will experience every possible symptom, nor will everyone experience the symptoms at the same severity. Some symptoms may last longer than others or not appear until a few days into withdrawal. Understanding the possible symptoms, however, will help you better recognize what you or a loved one are going through, as well as help you prepare for what’s to come.

The common symptoms of heroin withdrawal include:

  • Increased restlessness and irritability

  • Increased anxiety

  • Intense cravings for heroin

  • Changes in sleep patterns

  • Muscle cramps

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Runny nose and watery eyes

  • Rapid heart rate

  • Diarrhea

  • Hot and cold flashes

Why You Shouldn’t Detox From Heroin at Home

After reading the list above, you may wonder why it’s necessary to seek medical support for heroin detox. Surely it’s not that bad, right?

First, heroin withdrawal has a high risk associated with it, and not because of the physical side effects. It’s a painful process, and the solution is often returning to use. This is also when you’re at your highest risk of experiencing an overdose.

As you go through withdrawal, your tolerance for heroin drops. If you go several days without using and then take your usual dose, your risk of overdose increases. Even if you think you're using a consistent amount, overdose is always a danger because heroin isn’t regulated. You can never be sure what’s in it, which means you could unknowingly put dangerous substances into your body.

Studies show that the risk of a fatal overdose increases after experiencing a non-fatal overdose. [1] [2] This isn’t because of the non-fatal overdose but rather the time away from heroin immediately after the non-fatal overdose. This same time away occurs during any form of withdrawal, intentional or not. 

You don’t need to suffer through withdrawal alone. You don’t need to punish yourself to find healing. Our team at Pinnacle Peak wants to help you, make your withdrawal as painless as possible, and set you up for success on your new path in life.

how we treat the foundation of recovery starts with heroin detox

What Happens After You Finish a Detox Program?

Our detox program is just one brick in the overall structure of recovery. Even so, it doesn’t work alone. Most clients will begin going through the other facets of our treatment program before their detox is over. This approach helps you begin to learn the tools you need and find support sooner – to make the detox process that much smoother.

As your time in detox comes to an end, you will work alongside your medical team to determine what level of care will best suit you. This could mean continuing through our inpatient rehab program or starting with our outpatient rehab program. Both programs offer the same high-quality care but in different settings. 

An inpatient rehab program allows you to stay on-site during the duration of your stay. This puts you in a safe and supportive environment where you can focus on your recovery. This can be very helpful for people with triggers in their home life, working through relationship and living changes, and more.

An outpatient rehab program has you on-site, most days, for several hours of the day, but at night you return home. This can be helpful for those with family needs or transitioning out of inpatient care.

It’s important to remember that needs can change over time. It’s never wrong to move back and forth between levels of care. Some situations and times of year require higher or lower levels of care than others. At the end of the day, you should make sure you’re putting your needs first.

What Our Valued Patients Say

Joel B.
Great treatment center! Loving staff and effective programs.

Getting Started with Heroin Detox Today at Pinnacle Peak Recovery

When you get started here at Pinnacle Peak, you’re more than just a number. We focus on a compassionate, family feel for everyone who seeks treatment with us. Our heroin rehab program isn’t a rigid, one-size-fits-all approach to healing. Our team will work with you to determine what aspects of our evidence-based treatment will work best to ensure you get the desired results.

No matter your history with substance use, recovery, or mental health – we want to help. There’s no wrong time to start, so why not do it today? Call our Pinnacle Peak team at 866-377-4761 now, and we’ll put you on the track to long-lasting recovery.

Clinical Excellence | Compassionate Care | Family Feel

 Explore our dedicated Heroin Detox options today at Pinnacle Peak Recovery!

Pinnacle Peak Recovery