Ambien Side Effects

When most people think of addictive drugs, they often to go to opioids first. However, it’s just as easy to abuse other drugs on the market, such as Ambien. Ambien side effects vary from mild to extreme, depending on how often people take the drug.

What Is Ambien?

Before getting into the side effects of this drug, it’s important to know what Ambien does. Available under its generic name zolpidem, it’s a sedative or hypnotic. Doctors prescribe this drug to people who have sleep problems such as insomnia. Since the drug alters the chemical balance of the brain, it’s not only habit-forming but also has unpleasant side effects.

Ambien has two layers. The first layer of the pill dissolves quickly to help people fall asleep. The second layer dissolves slowly to help people stay asleep longer. After waking up in the morning, it could take as long as four hours before people feel fully awake.

Ambien Side Effects

Similar to most prescription drug side effects, there’s a long list of Ambien side effects. These vary from common to rare. Some common side effects are chest pain, confusion, and fever. Others include:

  • Fainting
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble breathing
  • Dementia
  • Changes in walking or being unable to maintain balance

Studies show that people who take high doses of Ambien suffer from side effects more often. Taking high doses also increases the chances of developing an addiction to the drug. Additionally, it’s not uncommon for people who suffer from one addiction to develop another one. It’s important for people to know that addiction is a mental disorder, not a choice.

Symptoms of Ambien Addiction

Ambien addiction symptoms vary greatly among individuals. However, the most common sign is when people start taking more than the recommended dose. This sign indicates the development of tolerance for the drug.

Often, people with Ambien addiction present with many of the side effects that occur when taking the drug. It makes sense that the more these individuals take, the more likely they are to develop side effects.

Overcome Ambien Addiction With Help From Pinnacle Peak Recovery

At Pinnacle Peak Recovery, we understand that seeking addiction treatment takes a lot of courage. We want to reward your courage with knowledgeable staff and service that you can count on. We offer help for both street and prescription drug addiction. Some of the services that we offer include:

  • Personalized treatment plans
  • Individual therapy
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Family therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy

We only offer nationally recognized, evidence-based treatment options. We place a big emphasis on therapy to help you build a strong foundation for recovery. Through therapy, we can help you find the root cause of your addiction and overcome it.

Fight back against your addiction with the help and support of Pinnacle Peak Recovery in Scottsdale, Arizona. Don’t let Ambien addiction take over your life or the life of a loved one. Contact Pinnacle Peak Recovery today at 866-377-4761.

Pinnacle Peak Recovery