Alcohol Detox in Arizona
As the fastest-growing state in the country, Arizona’s population is diverse and so are the people seeking addiction treatment.
“Don’t let the past steal your present.”
–Terri Guillemets
Nearly 60% of alcohol-related deaths in Arizona are tied to alcohol use disorders.
Alcohol use disorders are very real and impact thousands of people every year. It can often feel like alcohol use is an intense cycle – you stop drinking, experience cravings, and get back to it. Maybe you’ve tried recovery before and haven’t found success. Maybe you’ve had a negative experience that scared you or a loved one, and you want to try healing.
No matter your reason, the first step is always going through alcohol detox. This can be a deterrent for many, afraid of the symptoms and cravings that come along with it.
In the past month, over 16% of Arizona residents reported symptoms of an anxiety disorder
With the support of a medical staff like that at Pinnacle Peak Recovery, your detox and withdrawal process can be mitigated and managed. You don’t have to do this alone. Let’s talk about what detox looks like and how a medical detox program can set you up for long-term success in your recovery.
What We Treat: Alcohol Withdrawal and Alcohol Use Disorders
When you’ve been regularly engaging with alcohol, whether from long-term consumption or from binge drinking whenever you do, your body will start to adapt accordingly. This isn’t exclusive to alcohol consumption, any substance, medication included, that alters your body on a regular basis will cause your body to adapt.
The downfall with this adaptation comes from when you stop seeking out the substance, in this case, alcohol. Your body will begin the process of adjusting to it not being there. This time period and the symptoms that come from it are known as withdrawal.
If you’re experiencing this, know that you’re not alone. Our team at Pinnacle Peak is committed to your healing, crafting treatment that suits your unique needs.
How Do You Know If Your Alcohol Withdrawal Needs Treatment?
The average person who drinks alcohol will not experience alcohol withdrawal. To get a better idea of if treatment would be beneficial for you, ask yourself these questions:
- Have you tried to cut back on drinking before but been unable to?
- Do you need to drink more than you used to to experience the same effects?
- Have you cut back on activities you used to enjoy in favor of drinking?
- Have your relationships with family and friends been impacted by your alcohol use?
- When you stop drinking, do you experience cravings and other uncomfortable side effects?
- Does alcohol consumption (drinking, thinking about drinking, and recovering from drinking) take up most of your time?
- Have you engaged in risky behaviors (unsafe sex, excess spending, driving under the influence) while intoxicated?
- Have you still sought out alcohol despite it causing you to experience anxiety, depression, or other negative health effects?
- Has your drinking ever negatively impacted your education, career, or finances?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, finding treatment for your alcohol use will be beneficial to you.
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How We Treat: The Benefits of a Medical Alcohol Detox Program
The side effects of alcohol withdrawal are unpleasant, with some of them being innately dangerous, bordering on life-threatening.
In addition to that, there is a hump many people have to get over during and immediately after withdrawal in order to be set up for long-term success in their recovery. Seeking a life of healing away from alcohol takes more than just stopping your drinking, it takes unlearning patterned behaviors, noting triggers in your life, finding support, and more.
Through Pinnacle Peak Recovery’s medical detox program, not only will you be in an environment where you are safe, but your withdrawal symptoms will be managed and lessened through medical help. Additionally, we guide you through your entire recovery when detox has ended. You’ll find a support system here that will follow you for the rest of your life.
Recovery doesn’t wait until after the alcohol is out of your system, it starts the moment you take that step through the doors of our facility. A good medical alcohol detox program will give you support not just physically, but mentally as well.
What Are the Signs of Alcohol Withdrawal?
Some of the milder symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can be easy to overlook on the surface. If you’re trying to determine if you or a loved one are experiencing withdrawal, make sure you look at the context, too. When did you last have a drink? Have you ever had alcohol cravings before? Is anyone else in your family not feeling well at the moment?
This isn’t to say that you should overlook these symptoms, but rather it helps you better determine if these symptoms are linked to withdrawal.
Here are the most common alcohol withdrawal symptoms you can look out for:
- Increased depression or anxiety
- Increased fatigue
- New or worsened irritability
- Mood swings
- An inability to focus or think clearly
- Clammy skin
- Headache
- Insomnia and nightmares
- Increased heart rate
- Nausea and vomiting
- Tremors
Is It Dangerous to Go Through Withdrawal From Alcohol at Home?
To put it simply – yes, it can be dangerous to go through alcohol withdrawal alone.
This isn’t to say that there aren’t people who have gone through withdrawal at home just fine, but the risks are still there.
Alcohol withdrawal has a chance to cause tremors, depression, rapid heart rate, seizures, and the development of delirium tremens. It can also cause hallucinations and mood swings. All of these have the potential to cause injury to yourself and those around you – especially delirium tremens.
Delirium tremens is a severe form of alcohol withdrawal that comes with fever, irritability, severe confusion, hallucinations, and seizures. If you or a loved one are going through alcohol withdrawal and notice any symptoms along these lines, reach out for medical help. With medical guidance and supervision, symptoms such as these can be monitored and, in some cases, mitigated.
What Is the Timeline of Alcohol Detox?
While the specific symptoms and time frame of withdrawal will vary from person to person, there is a general timeline for how alcohol withdrawal progresses.
The first stage of withdrawal begins after you’ve had your last drink. Symptoms will not immediately start. Most often it will take at least 8 hours until you notice anything, but it can take several days for withdrawal to begin.
The first 24-72 hours after symptoms start are the most intense. Side effects can persist for days or weeks after, also known as protracted withdrawal syndrome. These can be managed with treatment and will not last forever.
What Happens After an Alcohol Detox Program?
If you’re in a quality recovery program that offers the full continuum of care, like Pinnacle Peak, then detox is only the first step on your road of healing.
What’s important to note is that detox is not an exclusive process separate from the rest of your recovery. Many people start learning the new skills they need before their detox process is over.
Before, during, and after detox you will work with a dedicated team to help plan out what your recovery journey will look like. Through a whole-person approach, you will get to try and experience a wide range of evidence-based treatment practices so you can find what works best for you.
There is no set timeline for how long your journey in a recovery facility will take. Everyone has their own needs, and the important part is to make sure you’re getting the level of care that’s right for you.
What Our Valued Patients Say
Begin Your Alcohol Detox Program in Arizona at Pinnacle Peak Recovery
If you’re looking to start your recovery journey at an alcohol rehab program, look no further than Pinnacle Peak Recovery. Our team is dedicated to providing quality, evidence-based care backed by compassion and support.
No matter your journey with alcohol use or recovery, we’re here to find the path that will stick and work for you. We understand that every person who walks through our doors is unique, which is why we make sure our program isn’t copy-pasted to every individual. You deserve care that is designed with you in mind and no one else.
Through our Proven Process, we’re committed to providing you with long-term support through the full continuum of care offered at Pinnacle Peak Recovery. To get started, or to learn more about our treatment options, just give us a call today at 866-377-4761.
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